mardi 19 février 2013

Benefits of Massage Therapy

When you are suffering with chronic pain, massage therapy can be an
alternative to surgery. Doctors usually consider surgery a last resort, but
many fortunate people avoid surgery all together with the use of massage
therapy. Here are some of the benefits of massage therapy:
• Reduce stress
• Increase flexibility
• Reduce blood pressure
• Alleviate many types of back pain
• Increase range of motion
• Reduce cramps and spasms
• Improved blood circulation in muscles
• Choosing your Massage Therapy Type
There are many different types of massage therapy. Choosing the right one
will take a bit of experimenting, but any reputable massage professional will
walk you through the proper method for your particular back pain.
Swedish massage – Involves long strokes with the hands. Ideal for
increasing blood flow to the muscles, increasing circulation, reducing toxins
in the muscles and increasing flexibility.

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