mardi 19 février 2013

Massage Therapy for Your Back

Pampering yourself at a spa is considered more and more these days a
necessity. For those who have issues with back pain, a good massage may
be just what the doctor ordered. Massage is an alternative therapy that can
bring relief for many who suffer from a pain in the back.
There are different types of massage therapy but the basic tenet is the
same. Through massage, pressure is applied to the body in various ways
(knuckles, palms, chops, fingers) and through different media (oils, stones,
cups, balls). The goal is manipulation of the soft tissues of the back to
promote better health and pain relief.
The ancient practice of massage therapy goes back thousands of years. In
India and the Orient, the idea is to release the energy that is trapped in
parts of the body through some sort of injury or stress so the body is free to
heal itself. This energy is referred to as “Chi”.

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